How to Recharge as a mom

health morning routine yoga Nov 22, 2023

When I was a new mom I used to think I "needed" to stay up late and watch Netflix to recharge. This was when I had my first two daughters who were born 16 months apart from each other and were not the best sleepers.

I would stay up until 11 or even midnight, eating popcorn and watching shows, then get to bed only to be woken up an hour later by one of my girls. I would usually get up 3-4 times a night (nursing or just helping one of them get back to bed, and then wake up around 6 am for the day.

Needless to say I was in a very unhealthy sleep cycle which was not great for my mental or physical health.

It wasn't until my third daughter was born in 2017 that I finally broke this habit and started to get to bed around 9:30/10 pm, which is actually what's best for your circadian rhythm. I was getting a bit more sleep this way, and once my youngest was about a year old I started waking up a bit earlier than my girls and had my own morning routine.

My girls are currently 9, 8 and 6 and I still go to bed around 10 pm and wake up around 5:30 (sometimes it's 5 and sometimes it's 6, just depends on how I'm feeling and if I did a long run the day before). I always practice my yoga first thing after I hydrate because it helps me feel my best physically and mentally. I usually listen to a podcast or audiobook on consciousness or spirituality while I practice. Then, depending on the time I might journal, meditate or do a hypnosis, read, or practice some breath work. 

This is what actually recharges me and helps me start my day off intentionally instead of from a reactive place. It's been one of the biggest game changers in my own life and I highly encourage you to create your own morning routine (which starts the night before!).

Remember: mom's are like the heartbeat of the home and we need to be taking immaculate care of ourselves mentally and physically! When you care for yourself you are benefiting your entire family as well.

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