How to create lasting fulfillment

fulfillment manifestation mindset Nov 23, 2023

We all have a desire for more energy or fulfillment. This is human nature and it's a positive thing if we are getting fulfillment from the right source. But, in our world, convenience and instant gratification type behaviours are becoming more and more common and acceptable. 

Things like: endless scrolling on your phone, eating highly palatable, processed foods, gossip, over drinking, retail therapy, etc. It’s the reactive, unconscious behaviour that gives you a quick dose of energy but leaves you feeling empty shortly after to be aware of. These things feel good in the moment - they are actually easier to do than not do them, but they will always leave you feeling empty shortly after (and usually with more "problems) because there was hardly any effort applied to receive.

For fulfillment to be longer lasting, it must be earned. Earning fulfillment essentially means putting in effort. When we “receive” too easily, it doesn’t create the same positive feeling as when we apply ourselves. 

Think about the things you are most proud of accomplishing in your life. The things that took days, weeks, months or even years of effort. They are the things that were uncomfortable to do in the moment, but good for you in the long run. 

The more we can overcome our nature of wanting to receive with minimal effort, the more we will create a fulfilling life.

And I’ll also add, through a managed mind, you actually will enjoy the process of creating a fulfilling life even when you aren’t yet in the result of it. You’ll also become quicker and quicker to realize when you are about to engage with instant gratification type behaviour and it can slowly become less appealing because you know the consequences and are conscious of the type of life you want to create for yourself.

This is self mastery!


Ps. Join me inside the Align membership to take this work even deeper and learn how you can overcome those instant gratification behaviours and create an aligned, fulfilling life. 


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