Anxiety: Part of The Human Experience

Apr 15, 2024

Anxiety is not something to be feared or avoided. It's a part of the human experience.

It's also not something you are.

It's something you feel when you are thinking worrisome, fear-filled or uneasy thoughts about the future.

It’s an opportunity to check in with yourself.
Where is my mind? What am I thinking? What am I worried about? What am I afraid of happening?

Sometimes we might think that since we are anxious, it’s because something “bad” might happen, but this is not the case.

I repeat, just because you are feeling anxious, it is not a sign that something bad is about to happen to you or a loved one.

Your mind has just wandered to thoughts that make you feel worried.

You are no longer in the present moment.

When you notice yourself experiencing anxious feelings you can take it as an opportunity to become deliberate with your mind. Decide: What am I going to think? What will I decide to place my focus on? And how do I want to feel?

Other things that can help:

EFT (Tapping)
Deep, nasal breathing (diaphragm breathing)
Relaxing the body (forehead, shoulders, jaw, hands, tummy, sitting bones)

And taking a moment to check in with yourself, notice the specific thoughts/worries and remind yourself that all is well. You are a human who worries sometimes.

It's okay. 

Always remember that you are in charge of your thoughts, experience and life. 

You are not a victim to how you feel.

It’s okay to feel anxious. But that's not WHO YOU ARE.

It’s just something you experience at times.


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