5 Minute morning and evening Visualization Practice

manifestation meditation morning routine Nov 22, 2023

Here's a 5 minute practice to implement in your morning and evening routine to help you create your own reality.

First thing in the morning and right before you fall asleep at night sit in a comfortable seated position, close your eyes and visualize your current goal as a present fact - imagine that what you desire has manifested in your life and you are living that reality now. Ignite all your senses: what do you see? Hear? Smell? Taste? Feel? 
Most importantly, feel immense gratitude that what you have been working towards has been accomplished by you.

The energy of gratitude is the most important part of this. Just sitting in meditation and visualizing your goals, but feeling doubt is not helpful. Bring about a feeling of thankfulness that what you want is inevitable. How could it not be? You can only want something that's possible for you to achieve, otherwise you wouldn't desire it. 

Throughout your day tap back into the energy of belief, especially anytime doubt or fear creeps in.

Continue this practice twice daily and take any inspired action that comes to you while you are visualizing. 

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