Work Together

Live your most Aligned Life.

Learn and apply Universal Laws, spiritual teachings and mindset mastery to create a life you love.

Life isn't personal,
It's personal growth,

And when you understand the rules of life you can actually enjoy playing the game.

Each one of us desires to be all that we came here to be.

By learning the rules of life, expanding your consciousness, and having mastery over your mind you can create that for yourself.


In the next 12 months you'll learn:
-Universal Laws and spiritual teachings that will make sense of life

-how to expand your consciousness and master your mind

-how to uncover and live your purpose

-how to reprogram limiting beliefs and create clarity on what you want in life

-how to become a deliberate and intentional person

What you'll get:

  • Weekly group coaching 
  • Key teachings of Universal Laws and spiritual teachings to understand the game of life
  • Aligned Life Modules to help you master your mind and live with purpose
  • Worksheets and Journaling prompts for healing, awareness and growth
  • Hypnosis and Meditation audios for subconscious reprogramming and elevation
  • A community of like-minded women to connect and support each other

*This is an annual membership. You can choose to create a monthly subscription or pay in full for the year and receive 1 month free.


Megan Schmidt is a certified Yoga Instructor, Health Coach and Hypnotherapist. She combines spiritual teachings and practical knowledge on mindset to help you create the life you desire.



most popular

Join the annual Align membership with a monthly subscription for just over a dollar a day.


One Time Payment


Join the annual Align membership with a one time payment (one month free). 
