Path to Purpose

You are here on purpose, with purpose. It's time you live it!

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Life Coaching for Women who want more out of life

Deep down, everyone wants to be all that they can be, but if you are being completely honest with yourself, you feel less than satisfied in a few areas of your life and it's finally getting to you.

On paper your life looks good.

And overall your life IS good, but you still have this feeling in the back of your mind that you're missing something.

And I'm here to tell you - you have that feeling for a reason, it's to help guide you to a more fulfilling life - if you let it.

I want to learn more

You're not wrong or ungrateful for wanting more out of life

But most women are wanting more, thinking that will be the thing to help them feel better.

The first thing I teach women is it's YOUR thoughts that create your feelings, NOT other people or circumstances.

This gives you all the power back in your life once you learn how to manage your mind.

Our emotions can be powerful guides, but most of us didn't grow up learning how to listen and understand their message.

Negative emotion is a part of life. I call it The Contrast, and it's telling you something about what you're experiencing.

Contrast helps you know so much more clearly what you DO want out of life.

So what do you want, and will you be brave enough to pursue it?

Life coaching gives you the tools and framework to create the life you want for yourself, one that is full of health, energy, freedom, fulfilling relationships, purpose and meaning.

What you can expect inside A Path to Purpose: 

The exact steps to follow to create real results in your health, mindset, relationships, and career.

How to stop self doubt and procrastination.

How to experience less stress and overwhelm (even if nothing "out there" changes)

How to develop unshakable self belief and certainty.

How to discover your purpose and fall in love with your life

How to stop reacting to the circumstances of your life and feel in more control.

How to create positive habits that actually stick.

Healthy communication and relationship skills.


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Here's what you'll get: 

Weekly 1:1 Coaching

Personalized, transformational and encouraging coaching each week to help you keep moving forward towards your goals.

Email support included in-between our calls.

A Customized Plan

Stay on track and keep moving forward with a customized plan that we create together, designed around what matters most to you. 


Trainings and Lesson Material

Exclusive training videos and PDF's on Universal laws, confidence, managing your mind, self concept and more.



"Working with Megan as my coach has allowed me to make huge transformations in my life. Before working with Megan, I didn't fully comprehend how the power of our mindset and beliefs can shape the outcomes of our life. She has helped me work through self limiting beliefs, adopt new ways of thinking and become a healthier and happier version of myself. Her guidance and teachings are something I use daily for all of life's events."


-Kayla L.


"I did 1:1 coaching with Megan for 2 years and it changed my life. In that time I learned so much about living an aligned life, setting goals and being mindful of my thoughts.

She helped me to change my life and work to become the person I wanted to be. I believe we are always a work in progress and ever evolving, so I continue doing what I learned with Megan."


-Janet V

"Megan helped me realize that I already held the discipline to achieve my goals. Since working with Megan, I’ve transitioned careers into work that makes me feel good to wake up each day.  Without her coaching, I don’t think I would’ve left my past job. My 1:1 coaching with Megan has given me the freedom to dream without judging myself or restrict myself based on what others might think.  Investing in myself has been one of the best decision I have made!"


-Devin T

Take the next step, schedule a complimentary discovery call with me if: 

  • You believe deep down that there is more to life than your current circumstances 

  • You’re looking for a proven method to take the guesswork out of creating a life you love

  • You want a career and life that feels meaningful and fulfilling

  • You know there is a connection between your thoughts and your life, and you want to master that connection
  • You’re a go-getter who’s willing to show up, do the work, and push yourself a bit outside your comfort zone

  • You’re so over trying to DIY your growth. You’re ready to make real change - now

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