FAQ + Return Policy


Your questions, Answered.

Q: What's the difference between the Align membership and 1:1 Coaching?

A: The Align membership is a 12 month, self study portal with weekly group coaching. It's intended for women who love personal growth but feel their life still isn't changing, no matter how many books they read, podcasts they listen to or videos they watch. They want real results at an affordable price and to still get to experience the life-changing benefits of coaching.

1:1 coaching is for the women who also loves personal and spiritual growth but is looking for more support and accountability towards her goals. She wants personalized, private focus with the option to get help when she needs it.
She wants to go through each area of her life, deliberately deciding how she would like it to look and feel, have someone believe in her and help her see her blocks and limiting beliefs, and support her in reprogramming them. 


Q: What's included in the 1:1 Path to Purpose Coaching? 

A: You'll receive:

  • Weekly 45 minute coaching calls (45 sessions to be used throughout the 12 months),
  • A customized plan to help you reach your goals and feel your best
  • Mindset tools and strategies that will help you in every area of your life
  • Email support between calls as needed
  • Video and audio trainings on confidence, managing your mind, getting results, and so much more!

*This is a 12 month commitment with 45 calls throughout the year.
Minimum 24 hours notice is required to reschedule your call if needed. 


Q: What kind of weekly time commitment is required for 1:1 coaching?

A: Each week we will meet on our video call for coaching and/or hypnosis session (45 minute call, 45 throughout the 12 months).
You will have access to masterclasses, audio + video trainings, and worksheets for you to work on at your own pace as needed (completely optional).
Depending on what your goals are you will spend time on specific things throughout the week as discussed on our calls. 
As a mom, this program is doable for you!

Return Policy

The Align Membership is a 12 month digital membership and there are no refunds. 

This is NOT a subscription membership. This is a 12 month membership commitment with no refunds, exchanges, or early cancellations permitted.


Path to Purpose, 1:1 Coaching is a 12 month coaching container with a monthly payment plan of $500/month. 

There are 45 coaching sessions to be used in the 12 month container.

If, after the first 30 days of joining Path to Purpose you decide this program is not for you, you can discontinue the program.

You will only pay for the coaching sessions you have used during the first month. 

After 30 days, you are committed to the $500 monthly payments for the remaining 12 months.