Create a life you love by mastering your mind and energy.

Peak health. Fulfilling relationships. On purpose work. 



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Welcome to Align.

An online personal and spiritual growth community for women who are ready to transform each area of their life.

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Deep down, everyone wants to be all that they can be.  

But not everyone has the clarity on what that means for them, or knows how to get "there".

I created the Align membership for women who know they came here to live an amazing life and want it all.

The kind of life that's fulfilling and aligned in every area - mind, health, relationships, work, and home life. 

One where they feel a deep sense of purpose and gratitude for everything they are creating.

Inside you'll be guided to get crystal clear on what matters most to you so you can stop entertaining everything that's not aligned.

You'll learn how to master your mind and take intentional action towards your goals and have access to weekly coaching plus subconscious reprogramming so you can overcome limiting beliefs and other hurdles that have been blocking you in the past.

You'll have instant access to the self study modules, classes and lessons to learn at your own pace and on the go.

And you'll have a community of women who are also growing and transforming their lives right alongside you.

This is your life, make sure you live it Aligned.

Get Started Now

Inside the Align Membership you'll receive:

  • Instant access to the entire membership: Aligned Life Modules, Personal Growth Programs, a library of Meditations and Hypnosis Audios, on demand Yoga and home-based workouts, Plant-based recipes, Video and audio trainings, Journaling prompts and other self care practices.
  • Weekly group coaching every Tuesday at 12 pm CST
  • Monthly Live Yoga classes and other home-based workouts
  • Monthly Live Hypnosis and Meditations   
  • Monthly classes on health and wellness, fulfillment, living your purpose, relationships, and other personal growth topics

You'll have everything you need to transform your health, relationships and life inside Align.

The teachings, consciousness and tools to create lasting change.

Universal Laws + Spirituality

There's a framework to life that, once learned, helps you experience more flow and understanding to life's circumstances. Inside Align you'll learn the Laws of the Universe and spiritual teachings. 

Aligned Life Modules

Intentionally create a life you love in every area: Mindset, Health, Relationships, Work, Home + Lifestyle + Personal Growth.

Learn how to create real results in each area to live the life you desire.

Tools and Practices 

Meditations, hypnosis audios, journaling prompts, and other practices to build awareness, heal, reprogram and grow. Learn how to self regulate and transform limiting beliefs.

Ready to get started?

Join now and receive instant access to the teachings, tools and coaching to create your Aligned Life.


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